Battery issue with the Southwind

So after I get the starter into the system, I bring the three batteries back into the front of the MH.  Hook them all up and figure it would be a good idea to make sure nothing is smoking inside or already in flames.Jump into the driver’s seat, insert key, turn and…….click.  Nothing, nada, zip, neit.  Crap.  Go back up front, check all the wires.  Yeah, they seem to be in the write place.  Run back to the generator, push its start button, whirrrrrrr.  Ok, so that works.  Hmmmmm.  Put the charger onto the main or chassis battery and it shows no charge.  Well, that’s odd, ’cause the boys at Batteries Plus tested it and said it was good.  800CCA!By now it is getting later, mosquitoes are trying to carry me off, I’m hot and tired.  I leave the charger connected just to be on the safe side.

Next morning, I get up, deal with work (so I can continue to support the rest of the family in the style they have become accustomed to) then finally get a chance to check the battery.  Hmmmm, full charge showing now.  Jump in, turn key, CLICK.  #$%@^&^#^$#@#@ and double-@@#$!@#$%@$^.  WAIT!  I took pictures of the batteries before I disconnected everything!

Pop inside, fire up the PC and search for the picture(s).  Here is the original:Battery-Resized

The wire that the arrow is pointing to is black.  Somehow when I was disassembling, I had missed flagging this wire as “positive”.  So when I put things back together, I didn’t remember where it went.

Traced it back and discovered it when to the “positive” side of the starter.  Yes, I did have the positive wire from the starter going to the negative terminal. Moved that over and now she starts up just fine!

Can’t believe I did that but I was tired, it was dark, I was in a rush. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

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