YASN (Yet Another Starter Needed)

Couple of days after I got the new starter in and was able to get the generator started, we loaded everyone into the MH and went for a test drive.  It was only about 110F and it was rush-hour. Decided that the easiest way to travel would be north on Denton Hwy.  Plenty of places to stop if we suddenly burst into flames.

Got as far as Southlake Blvd (or whatever it is called at that end) and the A/C stops.  Hmm, not a good sign.  Well, the gas gauge is showing a little less than half a tank.  Maybe it got starved for fuel when I made that right-turn (DOH!  the fuel line is on the right-side of the main tank).  Pull into a parking lot, get out and go look.

No flames, no smoke.  That’s a good sign. Check the oil.  Nope, got plenty oil.  Let’s push the start button.  Whrrrr, Whrrrr, Whrrrr.  Nothing.   About this time I’m hearing  Ralphie’s dad’s voice as he is working on the furnace in my head–and pretty much saying the same thing out loud.

Climb back in, open ALL the windows in the MH and try and get back home before we dissolve like the wicked-witch.  Took almost 45min.

Let the thing cool down and well after dark (it is now ONLY about 95F) I pull the starter and this is what I find:

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It may not be very obvious from the pictures but the shaft on this thing is now bent about 10 degrees or so from vertical (or is it horizontal).  The teeth are ground down on half the gear, the return spring is totally sprung.  Oh, and the whole shaft moves about a 1/4″ in the housing.

My $80, 2 day old start is kaput!  It’s under warranty but that is not the point.  I’m back to no starter!  The whole crew is bummed out.  Without a generator, there is no way to take the motorhome out for a “test camp” this coming weekend.  (And yes, there is an A/C connected to the motor, just like a car, but “fa git a bout it”.  No way it can come even close to cooling off the driver much less 34ft of coach.)

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